AARP Eye Center
Policymakers should promote the creation of mixed land uses that promote livable and sustainable communities. All communities should include a range of housing and transportation options that meet the needs of people of all ages, ability levels, and backgrounds. They should enhance residents’ safety, security, independence, and active engagement in community life (see also the Effective Planning section of this chapter). To the extent possible, housing should be located within easy walking distance of community transportation options, healthcare providers, grocery stores, other essential goods and services, and public spaces.
Site planning: Policymakers should ensure that site plans submitted for new development or redevelopment adhere to accepted, modern site-planning methods and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
Site plans should be developed through a transparent public input process, with sufficient notification to key community members.
Local government planners and engineers should be trained in modern site-planning methods and ADA requirements.
Community partnerships: Policymakers should encourage partnerships with a variety of community members in order to create and promote livable communities.
Location efficiency: Measures of housing costs should include transportation costs associated with housing location. Policymakers should publicly release data about combined housing and transportation costs.
Federal, state, and local governments should shape their housing and mortgage incentive programs to encourage residents to live near jobs, transit hubs, or other locations that reduce transportation costs and sprawl.