AARP Eye Center
AARP Transportation Principles
People of all ages, ability levels, and incomes need a variety of safe, affordable, and convenient transportation options in their communities. The following principles set out AARP’s broad goals to achieve this vision.
Enhance mobility—transportation options should enhance mobility for people of all ages, ability levels, income levels, and backgrounds. They should also promote independence, facilitate employment opportunities, ensure access to medical care, and foster social engagement. They should be coordinated to improve the availability, quality, and efficiency of those options for all residents.
Ensure affordability—people of all income levels should have access to a wide range of affordable transportation options from public- and private-sector providers.
Advance equity—everyone should have equitable access to safe, accessible, dependable, and affordable transportation options in their community. This is true regardless of characteristics such as age, ability level, income, race, and ethnicity.
Prioritize accessibility—transportation should be designed for people of all ages and ability levels, including people with disabilities. Public transit providers and private carriers should maximize mobility choice and access for people of all backgrounds, ability levels, and incomes.
Support sustainability and healthy living—communities should build and maintain a robust and safe transportation infrastructure that supports alternatives to driving. This includes wide sidewalks, ample bike lanes, and accessible public transportation offerings. Doing so could improve health outcomes.