AARP Eye Center
All levels of government should provide adequate federal funding to support and maintain a robust public health care infrastructure.
Federal and state health agencies should expand and improve standardized data collection, sharing, and reporting to identify and address disparities in service.
All levels of government and the private sector should take sustained actions to address the drivers of disparities in health and health outcomes.
Federal and state governments should support research that identifies the effects of health-promoting behaviors on public health.
Officials at all levels of government should help people fulfill their personal responsibility to protect their health by taking advantage of health-education opportunities and affordable and appro
All levels of government should fund public health workforce development, including strategies to ensure workforce diversity.
Federal, state, and local governments should maintain substantial penalties for violations of campaign finance laws.
Policymakers should expand disclosure requirements for all funds spent on elections or ballot initiatives.
Policymakers should protect against deceptive or misleading political fundraising practices.
All voters should be able to cast an absentee ballot (known as no-excuse absentee voting or no-excuse vote-by-mail). Election officials should make absentee voting easy and convenient.