AARP Eye Center
Federal and state laws should prohibit maximum hiring ages and mandatory retirement ages for all workers. This should include public-safety employees.
Businesses that bid on federal, state, and local contracts should be required to report any complaints and determinations of unlawful and unfair practices.
Governments should avoid enacting laws that are inconsistent with U.S. Supreme Court precedent on takings.
Congress should mandate the use of the Supplemental Poverty Meas
A variety of criteria should be used when evaluating proposals to stimulate the economy:
Relief packages for people facing hardships due to economic downturns should be temporary and well-targeted.
States should coordinate LTSS programs, policies, and budgets. This can be done in one state agency or across multiple agencies.
States should develop a comprehensive uniform assessment instrument to determine individual needs and develop a service plan. It should be used in all state LTSS programs.
Congress should make pre-dispute mandatory arbitration provisions in LTSS contracts unenforceable.