AARP Eye Center
Efforts to balance the budget or address shortfalls should remain the purview of the legislative branch. They should be fully negotiated by elected officials.
When economic conditions permit, states should accumulate budget reserves adequate to maintain services during recessions.
Policymakers should increase food benefits and expand eligibility for food programs.
Governments should not limit their ability to address future economic and political changes and the need for investments.
Higher levels of government should provide adequate resources when mandating functions to lower levels of government.
Services should be implemented and operated by the level of government that can most appropriately and efficiently deliver them.
Congress should increase funding for the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) and Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) programs. Funding should reflect the increased population of older Americans.
Policymakers should promote the creation of mixed land uses that promote livable and sustainable communities.
National, state, and local parks should be age-friendly, accessible, and sufficiently funded. They should be equitably located throughout communities.
Policymakers should enact comprehensive planning statutes, regulations, and incentives that create communities that promote the independence and active community eng