AARP Eye Center
Relief packages for people facing hardships due to economic downturns should be temporary and well-targeted.
Efforts to reform entitlement spending should recognize the following factors:
Higher levels of government should provide adequate resources when mandating functions to lower levels of government.
Services should be implemented and operated by the level of government that can most appropriately and efficiently deliver them.
Policymakers should preserve the existing stock and expand the availability of affordable, accessible, safe housing, particularly for those with the most severe cost burdens.
Policymakers should increase the availability of subsidized housing in mixed-use, walkable communities that promote aging in place.
Policymakers should increase the availability of subsidized housing with services. This includes providing service coordinators and supportive housing arrangements in subsidized housing.
Policymakers should coordinate and consolidate existing housing programs to improve service delivery, safeguard assets, and cost efficiency.
Policymakers should mitigate the effects of foreclosures on renters.