AARP Eye Center
Modifications to retirement plans or plan formulas should hold harmless current beneficiaries and employees. They should also ensure the retirement security needs of future retirees.
Taxation is the primary way governments fund essential programs and services. The following principles support this goal while also ensuring equity in how revenues are raised.
Employers should be required to automatically enroll employees in their retirement plans.
The laws governing state and local retirement funds should be amended where necessary to provide surviving and divorced spouses of public retirees with at least the same protections that the Employ
Maintaining trust and confidence in the government requires strong democratic processes and government institutions.
Americans’ retirement income comes from several sources. For most, Social Security income is the foundation of financial security in retirement.
Social Security should cover all workers, including all newly hired state and local government workers.
Policymakers should enact and update public financing systems for elections. This includes increasing matching funds, particularly for small donations.