AARP Eye Center
Policymakers should explore new, more consumer-centered systems for providing low-income assistance.
The federal government should require state CSBG and SSBG officials to consult with state and local agencies and organizations representing older people and other groups served by the programs.
Policymakers should enact and update public financing systems for elections. This includes increasing matching funds, particularly for small donations.
Policymakers should establish and enforce uniform standards to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process.
Policymakers should encourage and promote maximum participation in the electoral process.
Federal legislation should provide a minimum level of consumer protections. It should preserve states’ ability to provide additional protections to consumers.
Regulators should ensure robust consumer protections in the financial marketplace. They should provide effective oversight of the financial industry.
All depository institutions should be required to provide basic-banking services affordable to customers with low incomes. This includes low-cost basic checking or savings accounts.
Financial institutions should offer account features and services that empower financial caregivers while protecting older adults who are under their care. These include: