AARP Eye Center
Travel should be safe, including during declared public health crises. During such times, travel providers should be required to put in place and publicize safety protocols.
More federal funding should be provided to the Administration for Community Living to develop and implement its emergency management responsibilities on behalf of older peo
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the states, and all other regulators should vigorously enforce all regulations in long-term services and supports (LTSS) facilities and home care w
The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health crisis of proportions and complexity not seen in over a century. The highly contagious and dangerous virus has caused millions of deaths in the U.S.
Health care providers, businesses, schools, organizations, and individuals should be educated about behavioral risk factors for contracting and spreading serious communicable diseases.
Policymakers and health care administrators must conduct adequate emergency preparedness planning.
Policymakers should collaborate to identify, develop, fund, and implement timely, effective response plans for national, state, and local public health crises.
Federal and state governments should ensure the collection and public reporting of comprehensive, accurate data during an epidemic or pandemic and other public health crises or natural disasters.&n