AARP Eye Center
Policymakers should expand opportunities for people to volunteer in their communities. This includes older adults and people with disabilities.
Public retirement systems should establish a maximum vesting period of five years for DB plans and one year for employers’ matching contributions to defined contribution or hybrid plans.
Modifications to retirement plans or plan formulas should hold harmless current beneficiaries and employees. They should also ensure the retirement security needs of future retirees.
States should establish state-facilitated savings arrangements that will increase employee participation in retirement plans.
Policymakers should encourage measures to increase individuals’ ability to save for retirement.
Policymakers should allow employers to provide student loan-repayment aid as a tax-free benefit.
Consumers should have access to a range of safe, reliable, affordable, and customizable emergency and short-term savings options.
States should create a transparent and nonpartisan redistricting process. This process should be led by independent and diverse commissions that include representatives of groups.