AARP Eye Center
Defined contribution plan account holders should have to obtain written spousal consent to take payment from the account in a form other than a joint-and-survivor annuity.
Policymakers should increase subsidies for low-income rural housing to preserve existing affordable housing units and construct new units.
Self-help housing programs, which enable low-income households to become homeowners by working together to build homes through “sweat equity,” should be supported.
The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Funds should maintain a minimum reserve of one and a half to two years as a cushion against an economic downturn.
If changes are made to Social Security that extend the life of the trust funds, Congress could authorize the investment of a portion of the Social Security reserves in investments other than Treasu
Policymakers should increase the percentage of wages subject to the payroll tax at least to historically intended levels and otherwise increase the progressivity of the Social Security financing sy
Policymakers should preserve the existing stock and expand the availability of affordable, accessible, safe housing, particularly for those with the most severe cost burdens.