AARP Eye Center
Policymakers should ensure adequate, potable, and affordable water for everyone.
Policymakers should determine what sources of financing are in the best interest of ratepayers and taxpayers.
Regulators should help the water industry realize economies of scale. They should consider consolidation, technological innovations, and other methods to control costs.
Policymakers should establish long-term integrated resource management that ensures water demands for municipal, agricultural, and industrial uses are balanced with environmental protection and pre
Policymakers should develop a water conservation program. The program should be adequately funded.
Policymakers should provide incentives for better performance and water quality in any privatization contracts. Incentives could include shorter contract terms with built-i
Policymakers should use rate cases to adopt water and sewer rates for private utilities.
Policymakers should ensure water demands for municipal, agricultural, and industrial uses are balanced with environmental protection and preservation of water quality.
Modifications to retirement plans or plan formulas should hold harmless current beneficiaries and employees. They should also ensure the retirement security needs of future retirees.