AARP Eye Center
Policymakers and the private sector should develop and expand convenient and affordable community transportation programs in rural communities.
Policymakers and the private sector should meet the transit needs of people who are older, frail, or have disabilities. This includes:
Congress should provide adequate funding for ADA enforcement activities. It should utilize the higher federal match for compliance with the ADA. Congress also should
Policymakers should enact and update public financing systems for elections. This includes increasing matching funds, particularly for small donations.
Policymakers should establish and enforce uniform standards to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process.
Policymakers should encourage and promote maximum participation in the electoral process.
Policymakers should use effective, evidence-based assessment models to identify at-risk drivers of all ages. They should receive counseling or referrals, and appropriate action should be taken.
Federal, state, and local governments should maintain substantial penalties for violations of campaign finance laws.
Policymakers should expand disclosure requirements for all funds spent on elections or ballot initiatives.
Policymakers should protect against deceptive or misleading political fundraising practices.