AARP Eye Center
Organizations should continue to be prohibited from sharing or selling personally identifiable protected health data without consumer consent.
Privacy protections should be embedded into health systems, products, and services.
Policymakers should protect people from the harms of disclosure or misuse of all personally identifiable health- and health-related data.
Consumers should receive clear, understandable, and accessible information about how their health and health-related data are being collected, used, shared, and sold.
Genetic testing should not be performed on individuals unless they have provided informed consent.
Policymakers and the private sector should ensure that organizations effectively protect against unauthorized access to or misuse of consumers’ health and health-related information.
Health care providers should continue to be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the health records of their patients.
Policymakers and the private sector should explore opportunities to build trust in efforts to encourage health data-sharing to benefit health research that promotes the greater public good.
All consumers should have the opportunity to benefit from the vast array of data-driven insights and innovation stemming from the accumulation, combination, and analysis of large health and health-
All levels of government and the private sector should adequately fund and support antifraud and anti-abuse efforts. A balanced approach to enforcement should be taken.