AARP Eye Center
The FTC should adopt minimum standards for prepaid funeral contracts. These are sometimes called preneed funeral contracts.
States should establish standards for natural burial grounds that encourage environmentally sustainable and ethical practices.
Policymakers and the private sector should support the ability of people of all ages, ability levels, and backgrounds to travel.
Travel should be safe, including during declared public health crises. During such times, travel providers should be required to put in place and publicize safety protocols.
Travel should include consumer protections, including transparent pricing and access to redress.
States should create a transparent and nonpartisan redistricting process. This process should be led by independent and diverse commissions that include representatives of groups.
Federal and state policymakers should maintain fairness in the Electoral College. They should maximize voter participation and encourage public engagement with candidates and issues.
Policymakers should adopt plans that enhance the mobility of older adults and people with disabilities. Planning efforts should consider the effects of transportation plann