AARP Eye Center
Policymakers should expand opportunities for people to volunteer in their communities. This includes older adults and people with disabilities.
Policymakers should increase funding for the operating and capital costs of rural public transportation.
Congress should increase funding for tribal transportation programs.
Policymakers should streamline the process of obtaining tribal transit funding.
Federal and state policymakers should maintain fairness in the Electoral College. They should maximize voter participation and encourage public engagement with candidates and issues.
Policymakers should adopt plans that enhance the mobility of older adults and people with disabilities. Planning efforts should consider the effects of transportation plann
Policymakers should create communities that provide a range of safe mobility options.
States should ensure the safety of intercity and charter vehicles. This should include testing of occupant-protection systems.
Policymakers should work in partnership with a diverse range of stakeholders, including consumer groups and the private sector, to ensure that automated vehicles achieve their promise.