AARP Eye Center
The Department of Labor must stringently enforce fiduciary rules to ensure that pensions are handled prudently and in the best interest of plan participants and beneficiarie
Public retirement systems should establish a maximum vesting period of five years for DB plans and one year for employers’ matching contributions to defined contribution or hybrid plans.
Minimum distribution requirements for retirement savings should periodically be examined to reflect changes in life expectancy and income needs at older ages while ensuring the collection of deferr
Deficit-reduction efforts should avoid cuts in programs that serve low- and moderate-income populations.
Policymakers should take action to raise revenues, promote energy conservation, and reduce climate change.
Carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems that would increase energy-related and other prices must include measures to compensate for regional differences in energy costs and to adequately protect cons
Motor fuel taxes should be indexed for inflation and increased as necessary to fund transportation infrastructure and services.
Excise taxes on individual commodities, such as tobacco or alcohol, should at least keep pace with inflation. One way to do this is by levying them on an ad valorem basis.