AARP Eye Center
Federal policymakers should develop a comprehensive system for financing Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) that includes a new social insurance program to provide a basic level of LTSS.
Ideally, the federal government should finance LTSS through a universal, comprehensive, and publicly administered program such as Medicare or similar social insurance program of shared risk. <
Policymakers should take action to raise revenues, promote energy conservation, and reduce climate change.
Carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems that would increase energy-related and other prices must include measures to compensate for regional differences in energy costs and to adequately protect cons
Motor fuel taxes should be indexed for inflation and increased as necessary to fund transportation infrastructure and services.
Excise taxes on individual commodities, such as tobacco or alcohol, should at least keep pace with inflation. One way to do this is by levying them on an ad valorem basis.
A progressive income tax is the preferred method of raising revenue at the federal and state levels. Other sources, such as a consumption tax, may be needed.
Goods sold over the internet and through catalogs should be subject to the same sales tax treatment as goods sold by local brick-and-mortar retailers.
Policymakers should limit the increasing number of taxpayers subject to the taxation of Social Security benefits to better protect the benefits of people who have no or limited additional retiremen