AARP Eye Center
Electric, natural gas, water, and telecommunications utility services are essential to health, safety, and economic welfare. These services must be affordable and reliable.
Rapid changes in technology have made protecting consumer privacy increasingly challenging.
Most states and the District of Columbia have established utility consumer advocate offices.
Commissions that regulate investor-owned utilities and local boards where publicly owned utilities are authorized have a large effect on the lives of consumers.
Prepaid utility service requires a customer to pay in advance for electric, natural gas, or water services. This is sometimes known as a prepayment program.
Some telecommunications and utility companies are part of complex corporate structures that can pose risks to consumers.
Mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications and energy industry are common. Often, they occur when a large utility or holding company buys a smaller utility.
Telecommunications access, including access to high-speed internet service, is a basic necessity for people of all ages, including older adults.
Even though telecommunications services are more important than ever in the information age, many consumers face limited choices for telephone and internet services.
Telecommunications companies sometimes use aggressive marketing practices. In some cases, these have resulted in unnecessary consumer costs or even outright fraud.