AARP Eye Center
Policymakers should provide for transparency and honesty in the budget process.
Governments should avoid enacting laws that are inconsistent with U.S. Supreme Court precedent on takings.
A variety of criteria should be used when evaluating proposals to stimulate the economy:
Relief packages for people facing hardships due to economic downturns should be temporary and well-targeted.
Higher levels of government should provide adequate resources when mandating functions to lower levels of government.
Services should be implemented and operated by the level of government that can most appropriately and efficiently deliver them.
Policymakers should not approve advanced or up-front payments for major capital construction projects. This includes for nuclear and coal plants.
State policymakers should rely on securitization only when it results in the lowest overall costs for consumers. Securitization plans must include consumer protections.
Policymakers should ensure that solar customers pay their fair share of costs and nonbypassable fees.