AARP Eye Center
Congress should make pre-dispute mandatory arbitration provisions in LTSS contracts unenforceable.
States should ensure that facility-specific survey results and other information regarding quality are made available to the public in a timely manner.
Policymakers should enact and strictly enforce antidiscrimination and civil rights laws.
States should coordinate mental health services among all appropriate health, LTSS, and aging-network services.
A variety of government policies and employer practices safeguard the rights of workers to fair treatment, safety in the workplace, and a measure of financial security.
All levels of government have developed standards and guidance to ensure fair employment practices. They address wages, working conditions, and other aspects of work.
The following principles guide AARP’s efforts to further budgetary decisions that reflect the needs of all members of society.
Income earned through employment is the foundation of most people’s savings and retirement income.
Policymakers should adopt plans that enhance the mobility of older adults and people with disabilities. Planning efforts should consider the effects of transportation plann
Policymakers should require shared mobility service providers to provide local jurisdictions with consumer travel data while protecting user privacy.