AARP Eye Center
Traditionally, both gas and electric utilities have been monopolies subject to government regulation.
A long-term failure to maintain the electric grid combined with more common and severe extreme weather events has challenged the resiliency and reliability of many electric grids.
Water is essential for drinking, cooking, basic hygiene, and sanitation. Community health and prosperity depend directly on a sufficient supply of clean water.
AARP consumer protection priorities make up the bulk of this chapter.
Older consumers are increasingly targets of phone, mail, and e-mail solicitations. In many cases, these solicitations are unwanted or even fraudulent.
Home repair is necessary to preserve both the safety and the value of property.
Funeral services are expensive. In 2021, the median funeral cost was $ 6,970 for a funeral with cremation, according to the National Funeral Directors Association.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has jurisdiction over more than 10,000 types of consumer products. Mandatory standards govern only a small number of products.
For many older adults, travel is important as a way to encounter new experiences, visit with friends and family, and obtain necessary medical care.
Several recent legislative efforts in Congress have included proposals that would cap the federal contribution (overall in a block grant or per person in a per capita cap) to Medicaid.