AARP Eye Center
Efforts to reform entitlement spending should recognize the following factors:
Higher levels of government should provide adequate resources when mandating functions to lower levels of government.
Services should be implemented and operated by the level of government that can most appropriately and efficiently deliver them.
Laws and regulations should strengthen and enhance consumer protection. Policymakers should enhance protections against unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices.
Federal legislation should provide a minimum level of consumer protections. It should preserve states’ ability to provide additional protections to consumers.
Regulators should ensure robust consumer protections in the financial marketplace. They should provide effective oversight of the financial industry.
Congress should ensure that the CFPB is a strong and independent consumer protection regulator. This includes maintaining CFPB’s existing independent funding.
Policymakers and financial institutions should protect consumers with diminished capacity and others at risk of financial exploitation.
All depository institutions should be required to provide basic-banking services affordable to customers with low incomes. This includes low-cost basic checking or savings accounts.