AARP Eye Center
Consumers should control the extent to which their personal information may be collected, analyzed, shared, scraped, and sold.
Organizations (including private companies, nonprofits, and government entities) should clearly communicate:
Policymakers should limit the increasing number of taxpayers subject to the taxation of Social Security benefits to better protect the benefits of people who have no or limited additional retiremen
Policies and regulations should prioritize placing children in foster care with grandparents and other caregiver relatives whenever possible and appropriate.
Policymakers should support efforts to improve the quality of foods purchased and consumed by SNAP recipients, such as through nutrition education and healthy food incentives.
States should make it as simple as possible for grandparents and other caregiver relatives to enroll children in their care in school or obtain medical treatment for them.
States should distribute public revenue only to social service agencies that are formally accountable to taxpayers. This should be demonstrated by performance-based measures.