AARP Eye Center
States should simplify estate planning. This includes allowing the use of electronic wills or trusts to govern the distribution of property at death.
In addition to setting standards with respect to the minimum wage, overtime, and other factors affecting worker pay, the federal government also sets standards for workplace health and safety.
Policymakers must ensure worker safety, particularly during public health emergencies.
Travel should be safe, including during declared public health crises. During such times, travel providers should be required to put in place and publicize safety protocols.
One of the more significant labor-force developments of the past quarter century has been the rising participation rate of older Americans.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health crisis of proportions and complexity not seen in over a century. The highly contagious and dangerous virus has caused millions of deaths in the U.S.
Health care providers, businesses, schools, organizations, and individuals should be educated about behavioral risk factors for contracting and spreading serious communicable diseases.
Policymakers and health care administrators must conduct adequate emergency preparedness planning.
Policymakers should collaborate to identify, develop, fund, and implement timely, effective response plans for national, state, and local public health crises.