AARP Eye Center
Policymakers should support efforts to improve the quality of foods purchased and consumed by SNAP recipients, such as through nutrition education and healthy food incentives.
States should make it as simple as possible for grandparents and other caregiver relatives to enroll children in their care in school or obtain medical treatment for them.
States should distribute public revenue only to social service agencies that are formally accountable to taxpayers. This should be demonstrated by performance-based measures.
Congress should mandate the use of the Supplemental Poverty Meas
Public-benefit programs should ensure that families headed by grandparents and other caregiver relatives receive sufficient support for economic security and well-being.
Any further efforts to address marriage penalties should be focused on two-earner couples and structured to avoid increasing marriage bonuses.
Policymakers should broaden the tax base by limiting tax preferences that do not efficiently achieve important policy goals.
To ensure that people are afforded every opportunity to make informed decisions about end-of-life care and to understand the range of medical and palliative options, the kn