AARP Eye Center
Policymakers and the private sector should develop and implement transportation programs to ensure mobility for rural residents, particularly those who do not drive.
Policymakers and the private sector should ensure access to robust business development and employment training opportunities in rural communities.
Policymakers should increase funding and provide technical assistance for community and economic development activities on tribal lands.
Small towns and rural communities should provide opportunities for residents of all ages and backgrounds to live, shop, socialize, and participate in civic life.
Small towns and rural communities should provide opportunities for residents of all ages and backgrounds to live, shop, socialize, and participate in civic life.
Policymakers and the private sector should facilitate the creation of housing options and neighborhoods that encourage and effectively accommodate multiple generations living together.
Policymakers and the private sector should enact meaningful rules and standards to provide government oversight and consumer protection against nuisance telemarketing calls and telemarketing fraud.
Consumers should be protected against spam e-mail. Policymakers should prohibit misrepresentation of the sender, subject, or content of an e-mail.