AARP Eye Center
As AVs are deployed, policymakers should redesign local communities to enhance livability for all.
Policymakers and the private sector should establish coordinated public transit-human services transportation programs to meet the needs of populations underserved by current systems.
Policymakers at all levels should expand access to NEMT for people of varying income and ability levels.
Policymakers should expand and improve affordable and accessible public transportation programs.
Policymakers and the private sector should develop and expand convenient and affordable community transportation programs in rural communities.
Policymakers and the private sector should meet the transit needs of people who are older, frail, or have disabilities. This includes:
Congress should provide adequate funding for ADA enforcement activities. It should utilize the higher federal match for compliance with the ADA. Congress also should
Policymakers should use effective, evidence-based assessment models to identify at-risk drivers of all ages. They should receive counseling or referrals, and appropriate action should be taken.