AARP Eye Center
Food and nutrition programs should have adequate funding to engage in robust outreach efforts.
Public retirement systems should establish a maximum vesting period of five years for DB plans and one year for employers’ matching contributions to defined contribution or hybrid plans.
Policymakers should require employers to provide employees with predictable schedules.
All workers should have access to both employment protections and some benefits such as health and retirement.
Federal, state, and local policymakers should ensure the proper classification of workers. Those who should have access to employee protections and benefits should receive them.
Bans, including temporary ones, on the regulation of companies in the online gig economy (such as Uber) or the application of existing employment laws to their practices are not warranted.
Congress and state legislatures should require employers that provide benefits to regular, full-time employees to extend them to part-time employees on a prorated basis.
Employers should be required to disclose to workers when they are being hired as independent contractors. They should provide a clear explanation of what that means.