AARP Eye Center
State and local governments should promote the safety of residents living in dilapidated or otherwise unsafe housing, including those living in multifamily units.
They should require:
Policymakers and the private sector should facilitate the creation of housing options and neighborhoods that encourage and effectively accommodate multiple generations living together.
Policymakers should take steps to foster housing stability during declared emergencies. Among the temporary measures they should consider are:
Employers should be required to automatically enroll employees in their retirement plans.
The laws governing state and local retirement funds should be amended where necessary to provide surviving and divorced spouses of public retirees with at least the same protections that the Employ
Social Security should cover all workers, including all newly hired state and local government workers.
Public health officials and policymakers should recognize social isolation as a significant public health issue and social determinant of health.
Policymakers and the private sector should develop a standardized screening tool to identify individuals experiencing social isolation.
During times of crisis, state and local governments and the private sector should use evidence-based tools to identify, monitor, and address social isolation among older adults.