AARP Eye Center
Federal, state, and local consumer protection agencies all have a role in safeguarding consumers against fraud, deception, and unfair practices.
New technologies have tremendous potential to transform the lives of all people.
In cases of extremely short supply or high demand, sellers may attempt to profit from the scarcity of essential products and services.
Virtually all companies now collect, use, share, or sell personal information. This refers to information that is linked or reasonably linkable to an identified or identifiable individual.
Algorithmic decision tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are being used for consequential decision-making in a variety of contexts.
AARP’s digital privacy and security principles are intended to ensure strong and equitable consumer privacy and security protections.
In recent years, the amount of personal information that is collected, used, shared, and sold has skyrocketed. Data-driven companies collect unprecedented amounts of personal information.
There has been a proliferation in the availability and use of data. The need to protect this information against unauthorized access has become increasingly important.
In 2021, an estimated 15 million Americans were victims of identity fraud. Of these, 3.3 million had to pay at least some of the cost of the fraud.
The benefits of computerized data systems that facilitate access to personal health information are clear.