AARP Eye Center
The federal government and states should encourage advance care planning. They should establish and support decision-making protocols such as Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment.
Policymakers should ensure that the FDA’s process for approval and oversight of medical devices to protect public health and safety is thorough, efficient, and not unduly burdensome.
Policymakers should increase transparency and competition in the market for medical devices.
Policymakers and regulators should make necessary changes to help lower the cost and promote greater adoption of hearing aids.
The Federal Trade Commission and state consumer protection agencies should investigate complaints of high-pressure sales tactics that inhibit older people from getting professional counseling befor
Consumers should have access to affordable emergency medical services, including emergency transportation.
Policymakers should increase funding for the operating and capital costs of rural public transportation.
State departments of transportation should provide adequate technical assistance to support effective, coordinated transportation planning for rural communities.