AARP Eye Center
Small towns and rural communities should provide opportunities for residents of all ages and backgrounds to live, shop, socialize, and participate in civic life.
Federal agencies that provide economic development funding to tribal entities should work in coordination with them to collect, analyze, and report the amount of ass
Policymakers should increase subsidies for low-income rural housing to preserve existing affordable housing units and construct new units.
Self-help housing programs, which enable low-income households to become homeowners by working together to build homes through “sweat equity,” should be supported.
Small towns and rural communities should provide opportunities for residents of all ages and backgrounds to live, shop, socialize, and participate in civic life.
States should coordinate LTSS programs, policies, and budgets. This can be done in one state agency or across multiple agencies.
States should develop a comprehensive uniform assessment instrument to determine individual needs and develop a service plan. It should be used in all state LTSS programs.
Congress should make pre-dispute mandatory arbitration provisions in LTSS contracts unenforceable.