AARP Eye Center
Policymakers and the private sector should meet the transit needs of people who are older, frail, or have disabilities. This includes:
Congress should provide adequate funding for ADA enforcement activities. It should utilize the higher federal match for compliance with the ADA. Congress also should
The federal government should require state CSBG and SSBG officials to consult with state and local agencies and organizations representing older people and other groups served by the programs.
Policymakers should use effective, evidence-based assessment models to identify at-risk drivers of all ages. They should receive counseling or referrals, and appropriate action should be taken.
Local governments should adopt curb management policies and practices that prioritize the safety of all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.
Intentional planning is needed to balance the need for micromobility devices (including e-scooters, e-bikes, and dockless bike shares) with the goal of ensuring safe passage for all.
Policymakers should ensure that personal delivery devices are deployed in a manner that supports pedestrian safety and accessibility, including for older adults and people with disabilities.
Congress should provide financial incentives for design modifications that improve the travel environment for older adults.
Traffic enforcement practices should be administered equitably, regardless of demographic or socioeconomic factors.