AARP Eye Center
All communities should have the right to own, operate, or deploy their own broadband network and services. Existing community broadband networks should be allowed to expand to new areas.
Policymakers and the private sector should fully fund robust digital literacy training programs and programs that help underserved populations understand the value of adopting high-speed internet s
Policymakers should engage in robust oversight of high-speed internet to ensure consumer protections, reliability, and accountability.
Policymakers should promote the deployment of robust, reliable high-speed internet networks that function when grid power is not available.
Federal policymakers should ensure net neutrality. At a minimum, the net neutrality rules set by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in 2015 should be reinstated.
The Federal Communications Commission should conduct oversight and enforcement to ensure access to technological advancements for people with disabilities.
Policymakers should ensure that cable, satellite, streaming services, and other pay-television operators include robust consumer protections.
Policymakers should develop and support affordable and reliable sustainable energy policies as they address climate change and weather-related events.