AARP Eye Center
Areas at risk for deterioration, abandonment, and blight should be identified for planning and revitalization. Revitalization projects should minimize displacement of current residents.
Policymakers should support efforts to spur economic development in economically distressed areas. These efforts should be designed to prevent displacement.
Policymakers should target Opportunity Zone funding to the areas that will most benefit from investment.
Policymakers should use funding mechanisms aligned with AARP’s Taxation Principles,
Any public-private partnerships must ensure full accountability to the public.
Policymakers should enter into these arrangements only when they can:
Policymakers should explore new, more consumer-centered systems for providing low-income assistance.
The federal government should require state CSBG and SSBG officials to consult with state and local agencies and organizations representing older people and other groups served by the programs.
These principles provide a framework for key components of low-income assistance, including income and nutrition assistance programs, access to social supports, and access to basic necessities.&nbs