AARP Eye Center
Policymakers should increase funding for energy assistance programs. All households should be able to afford their essential energy needs.
Policymakers should encourage the development of energy efficiency programs. These programs should be affordable and cost-effective.
Policymakers should continue to use traditional rate cases to set utility rates. Rates should be based on just and reasonable expenses, as is done in rate cases.
Regulators should assign system costs appropriately to customer classes. This should be consistent with universal service and affordability goals.
Policies and regulations should prioritize placing children in foster care with grandparents and other caregiver relatives whenever possible and appropriate.
Policymakers should support efforts to improve the quality of foods purchased and consumed by SNAP recipients, such as through nutrition education and healthy food incentives.
States should make it as simple as possible for grandparents and other caregiver relatives to enroll children in their care in school or obtain medical treatment for them.