AARP Eye Center
Federal policymakers should develop a comprehensive system for financing Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) that includes a new social insurance program to provide a basic level of LTSS.
Ideally, the federal government should finance LTSS through a universal, comprehensive, and publicly administered program such as Medicare or similar social insurance program of shared risk. <
Public transportation provided along a fixed route allows people to get around by bus and rail at designated stops and specific times. It is the backbone of ensuring mobility in urban areas.
Some transportation options and programs provide consumers with more flexibility. They allow passengers to get from one specific location to another rather than travel on a fixed route.
Nearly one in four older adults lives in a rural area. Rural residents are at risk of becoming isolated without adequate transportation opportunities.
All people, regardless of their ability level, should have access to convenient and safe transportation options. Mobility is an essential component of quality of life.
Policymakers at all levels of government should safeguard consumers against unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices.
Policymakers and the private sector should ensure that products, services, and emerging technologies are created using an inclusive design process with universal design principles.
Policymakers and the private sector should ensure that the benefits of the sharing economy extend to older adults and traditionally underserved market populations.
Individual homeowners, particularly older homeowners, should be able to generate income by renting out their properties on a short-term basis. In especially tight housing m