AARP Eye Center
Under Part B, Medicare covers many medically necessary assistive technologies that improve health and functioning.
The overwhelming majority of physicians and other clinicians take Medicare: among non-pediatric physicians, 99 percent do so.
Medicare Advantage plans are private health plans that contract with Medicare to provide services to enrollees.
Since it was first introduced into the Medicare program in the 1980s, a major goal of Medicare’s private plan option—known today as Medicare Advantage (MA)—has been to improve efficiency and reduce
When administered properly, private health plans can oversee patient care effectively and discourage unnecessary use of services.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) uses several approaches to monitor the quality of care provided by plans.
Medicare covers prescription drugs in Part B and Medicare Part D (drug coverage).
Medicaid is the largest publicly financed health insurance program for people with low incomes in the U.S. It is a means-tested program, meaning eligibility is based on income and assets.
Ensure adequacy, affordability, and equity—Medicaid should remain a vital safety net that guarantees adequate and affordable health care and long-term services and supports that me
Medicaid eligibility has generally been tied to certain categories as well as financial circumstances.