AARP Eye Center
Some transportation options and programs provide consumers with more flexibility. They allow passengers to get from one specific location to another rather than travel on a fixed route.
Elder abuse takes many forms. It can be financial, physical, psychological, or a combination of these.
The estate planning process designates who will receive assets and handle responsibilities after a person dies.
Guardianship allows someone to make legal decisions for another person. It is known as conservatorship in some states.
All people have the fundamental right to be free from discrimination. Various civil rights laws protect this right. These laws prohibit many forms of discriminatory conduct.
Over the past 50 years, older workers have become a more significant part of the nation’s workforce. Nevertheless, age discrimination has persisted.
As people grow older, they are more likely to experience a disability.
The federal government requires proof of identity for people to use a wide range of federal services. These include enrolling in Medicaid, voting, and boarding an airplane.
Poverty can prevent individuals from paying fines or fees resulting from a civil or criminal violation. Penalties for nonpayment can escalate rapidly.
People cannot enforce their legal rights if they lack access to the courts. Tort reform places limits on the ability to seek redress in court. It has become increasingly common.