AARP Eye Center
AARP Consumer Rights and Protection Principles
These principles provide a flexible framework that applies to all consumer products and services.
Ensure choice—consumers should have access to a variety of meaningful options.
Prioritize safety—consumers have a right to goods and services that are safe, appropriately tested, and labeled with warnings of possible risks.
Promote fair play and practice—business practices, consumer contracts, and marketing materials should be straightforward. They should not be unfair, deceptive, abusive, or discriminatory.
Foster transparency—consumers should receive understandable and accurate information about goods and services, pricing, business practices, companies, service providers, risks, and their rights. This information should be in plain, easily understood language.
Protect the right to redress—consumers have the right to accessible, appropriate, and adequate redress, including the full range of legal remedies.
Encourage participation—consumers should have a say in decision-making processes that affect the consumer marketplace.
Safeguard privacy—consumers have a right to personal privacy. They should have the ability to reject the sharing of their personal information. They also have a right to be protected from intrusive marketing practices, communications, and technology.
Promote equitable access—all consumers have a right to basic and necessary goods and services that are affordable, safe, and reliable, regardless of such factors as their age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability level, and income.