Social Services and Community Services Block Grants


Two federal programs help states provide a broad range of social services important to older adults. Services funded through the Social Services Block Grant program help older people live independently. The program funds agencies that help older adults maintain self-sufficiency. These agencies work to prevent or remedy abuse or exploitation and provide in-home services to prevent unnecessary institutionalization. In addition, they offer services to individuals in institutions when necessary. The Community Services Block Grant allocates funds to states to help alleviate poverty. It funds services and activities addressing employment, education, housing, and other needs. 

The value of federal investments in social services has declined in recent decades. This is due to inflation, spending freezes, and budget cuts. At the same time, service demand continues to grow as the number of older people increases. 

Another area of concern is the allocation of federal funds to faith-based charities. It raises the potential for discrimination against people of other religions or the imposition of religious practices on people seeking assistance. 




Congress should increase funding for the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) and Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) programs. Funding should reflect the increased population of older Americans. It should also help meet the service needs of communities with low incomes. 

Addressing the needs of older people

The federal government should require state CSBG and SSBG officials to consult with state and local agencies and organizations representing older people and other groups served by the programs. They should ensure that the services provided are appropriate to meet community needs. 

State and local governments must devote a fair proportion of their block-grant funds to meeting the needs of older people. 

Congress should maintain and enhance existing data collection requirements. In addition, Congress should require states to prepare yearly expenditure reports with age-specific and uniform data on program activities related to the social service needs of specific populations. These populations include racial and ethnic groups who are discriminated against, rural residents, and people with disabilities.

Eligible agencies

States should distribute public revenue only to social service agencies that are formally accountable to taxpayers. This should be demonstrated by performance-based measures. 

States also must ensure that religious organizations receiving funds do not discriminate against or impose religious practices or beliefs on those who apply for or receive services.