Video Services


Television is a source of news and entertainment for millions of people. In recent years, many consumers have begun “cutting the cord.” They receive programming online via streaming services. Streaming can save people money, particularly those who already pay for high-speed internet service. This is because the cost of streaming services is generally less than the cost of cable or satellite services, which continues to rise. Streaming also allows customers to avoid paying for bundled channels (many of which they may not watch). Instead, they just pay for the content they know they will watch. 



Video services

Policymakers should ensure that cable, satellite, streaming services, and other pay-television operators include robust consumer protections. 

Operators should charge reasonable rates. Subscribers should have control over content and cost (see also this chapter’s sections on High-Speed Internet Services and Net Neutrality). This includes through à la carte pricing, which allows consumers to watch and pay for only the individual channels they choose. 

Policymakers should prohibit anticompetitive mergers and acquisitions involving pay-television operators. 

Policymakers should protect consumers’ right to public-access programming on pay television.